Summer 2
This term all of our English learning is based around the Ice Palace by Robert Swindells.
Ivan lives in a land where the winter is dark and fearful. Starjik, King of Winter, steals Ivan's little brother and Ivan braves the bitter cold to find him ...
We will be writing descriptions of characters and narrative settings, diary entries, non-chronological reports and letters.
We will be focusing on the following areas this term:
- Properties of 3D shape
- Fractions - unit and non-unit fractions, comparing, ordering and equivalent fractions.
- Written methods of multiplication and scaling problems
- Add and subtract money to give change
- Measure, compare, add and subtract mass
- How to interpret data
A big push on learning times tables for rapid recall – x7, 8 and x9 multiplication tables and related division facts.
Remember to practise your times tables at home using TTRockstars to help! On a Friday we have a times tables test with 60 questions. The idea is to beat your score from the previous week!
Animals including Humans:
- Types and amounts of nutrition
- Types of skeletons
- Naming bones
- Functions of a skeleton
- Mighty muscles
Mapping skills and Fieldwork:
- Where is the school located in the wider world?
- Differences between Great Britain, United Kingdom & The British Isles
- Capital cities of the British Isles
- Locating places in the British Isles using the 8 points of the compass
- Mapping our school grounds
- Fieldwork investigation
Design Technology
Sandwich Snacks
- Food groups and a healthy diet
- Tasting and evaluating bread
- Planning a healthy sandwich
- Food preparation and safety
- Sandwich making and evaluation
Where does the journey of life lead?
- understand that everyday life has good and bad routes
- Investigate the metaphor 'Life is like a Journey'
- identify the different milestone ceremonies of a Christian, Jew and a Muslim
- explain what life after death means to Hindus
- what is a soul and what Christians believe in life after death
Deeper Understanding
In this unit we are revisiting, performing and applying language learnt in different contexts by:
- Identifying and introducing their relations
- Naming common pets
- Considering whether nouns are masculine of feminine
- Making new sentences by substituting other vocabulary appropriately
- Use masculine/feminine articles and possessive pronouns
- Use colour vocabulary in different contexts
Reflect, Rewind & Replay
This Unit of Work consolidates the learning that has occurred during the year.
All the learning is focused around revisiting songs and musical activities, a context for the History of Music and the beginnings of the Language of Music.
Musical learning focus:
- Listen and Appraise Classical music
- Continue to embed the foundations of the interrelated dimensions of music using voices and instruments
- Singing
- Play instruments within the song
- Improvisation using voices and instruments
- Composition
- Share and perform the learning that has taken place
During our P.E lessons this half term, we will be practising our strike and field skills with Mrs Barker and taking part in one session per week with a Progressive Sport’s Coach focusing f athletic skills.
- set up a graph with a given number of fields.
- enter data for a graph.
- produce and share graphs made on the computer.
- present the results in a range of graphical formats.
PSHE - Aiming High
In this unit of work, children will focus on goals and aspirations. They will start by discussing achievements they have accomplished so far and the type of attitude that helps us to succeed. Children will identify ways of applying a growth mindset to new challenges and learn about the importance of resilience. Opportunities will also be provided for children to share aspirations for their future employment and personal goals and through this learning, they will consider different jobs and careers. In doing this, we will explore some of the difficulties faced by stereotyping. Children will also have the opportunity to think about the specific skills they might wish to develop in order to achieve their short, mid and long-term goals.