Summer (1) 2024
This half term's English is based upon Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers.
Once there was a boy and one day he found a penguin at his door.... he didn't know where it came from or who it belonged to. The penguin looked sad and the boy thought it must be lost. So he decided to help it find its way home, even if that meant rowing all the way to the South Pole.
We will be writing character descriptions, diary entries and creating lost and found posters. We will be developing our reading skills through simple research and note taking, creating penguin fact files and penguin poetry.
We are continuing with level 5 phonics
Week 1 - 'ie' saying /ee/ Common Exception Words (reading) January, February
Common Exception Words (spelling) friend, also
Week 2 - ‘tch’ saying /ch/ Common Exception Words (reading) door, floor
Common Exception Words (spelling) Wednesday, brother
Week 3 - ‘are’ and ‘ear’ saying /air/ Common Exception Words (reading) autumn, gone Common Exception Words (spelling) January, February
Week 4 - Unspoken ‘e Common Exception Words (reading) know, colour Common Exception Words (spelling) April, July
Week 5 - ‘ore’ saying /or/ Common Exception Words (reading) other, does Common Exception Words (spelling) scissors, castle
Weeks 6 - Revision of level 3 & 5 sounds
Maths this half term is based on the following:
Place value up to 100:
- Count from 50 to 100
- Tens to 100
- Partition into tens and ones
- Number line to 100
- 1 more 1 less
- Compare numbers
- Order numbers
- Recognise half of an object or a shape
- Find half of an object or shape
- Find half of a quantity
Multiplication and Division:
- Recap count in 2s and 5s
- Count in 10s
- Make and add equal groups
- Arrays
- Make doubles
- Make equal groups – grouping
- Make equal groups – sharing
This half term's science is learning about Seasonal Changes - Spring to Summer.
We will be:
- Explaining how things change between the seasons of winter and spring.
- Identify seasonal changes in spring.
- Explain how daylight varies in each season.
- Explain how to stay safe in the sun.
- Observe and describe the weather.
- Compare all four seasons.
Geography this half term is called 'Beside the Seaside' in which we will learn about the
geographical features of the seaside, both human and physical.
- Where are our sea sides?
- Features of the sea side.
- Comparing seas sides past and present.
- Exploring a sea side town.
- Islands everywhere.
We will be using Purple Mash 2code tool.
We will be developing our coding skills be completing the following:
- What is coding?
- Block coding.
- Backgrounds and characters.
- Moving characters.
- More actions.
- Collision detection.
Art and Design
We are getting creative by investigating the colours, materials and shapes that Andy Goldsworthy uses in his art work. We will examine several of his sculptures and use them as inspiration for our own creations.
It’s My Body unit explores choices that children can make about looking after their bodies. Key areas are where children can make safer choices: their body, sleep and exercise, diet, cleanliness and substances. Children will learn facts about each of these areas and learn strategies to manage them.
This half term, we will begin our Makaton learning.
We will be:
- signing a variety of common greetings.- Good morning afternoon, evening, hello, goodbye, how are you?
- finger spelling the letters of the alphabet A-Z
- signing family members
Our topic is 'What do Christians believe God is like?'
We will be learning about:-
- What is a parable?
- Retelling the parable 'The Lost Son' and knowing the hidden lesson from it.
- Understand who God represents in the parable
- Understand how people show love to each other and to God
- Understand what forgiveness means
- Explain what Christians believe God is like.
This half term, the children will:
- master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities
- participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending.
These will be developed through tennis and cricket.
Changra Unit 'Your Imagination'.
The children will listen and appraise a variety of songs and complete the following:
- Warm-up Games (including vocal warm-ups).
- Learn to Sing the Song
- Play Instruments with the Song.
- Improvise with the Song
- Perform the Song – perform and share their learning