Summer 1
Our text for the term is an abridged version of the original story of the 'Wind in the Willows' by Kenneth Grahame. The story follows the lives of four unlikely friends; Mole, Ratty, Toad and Badger. One spring day, Mole peers out from his underground home to find a marvellous world awaits him. As the seasons pass, he picnics on the riverbank with Ratty, accompanies Toad on a chaotic caravan adventure, and even braves the snowy depths of the fearsome Wild Wood in search of Badger. But when Toad's mischievous ways finally land him in trouble, his friends must come to his rescue and recapture Toad Hall from a gang of sneaky stoats and wheedling weasels.
We will be writing a variety of texts based on this novel, including poetry, character descriptions and a retelling of a narrative.
This term we will be covering topics including perimeter, multiplication and division, place value and shape.
We will be also be revising multiplication facts for all times tables up to and including 12x12, in ready for our Multiplication Check in June. The administration period for this is 03/06/24 - 14/06/24. Please ensure you are practising on TTRockstars regularly at home!
We will be working to cover the objectives:
Our physics unit on sound will teach us all about how sounds are created and heard. We will be looking at:
- How sounds are made by different instruments
- How we hear sounds via the ear
- How we can soundproof loud sounds
- How to change the pitch of sounds
Crime and Punishment
In this unit we will make comparisons between different periods of History and the ways in which they detected, deterred and punished crime. We will make links with how historical periods have impacted our current justice system today. This includes:
- Our current Crown Court system
- Roman Crime and Punishment
- Anglo-Saxon Crime and Punishment
- Tudor Crime and Punishment
- Victorian Crime and Punishment
Likes and Dislikes
In this unit we will learn vocabulary to say whether we like something or not. We will apply this to a range of scenarios, including food, animals and colours. We will also begin to give reasons to explain why. We will use our speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.
This term we will be using Purple Mash to use the programme 2Logo, to practise our coding skills. We will be inputting simple algorithms and using debugging skills to identify errors in codes.
We always try to provide our pupils with skills to set them up for life. We will be looking at money this term, understanding and discussing:
- Where money comes from
- Different ways to pay
- Lending and borrowing
- How adverts try to influence our spending
- Prioritising and choosing to spend money wisely
- Keeping track of spending
We will be looking at Cooking and Nutrition this term. We will be understanding what makes a varied and balanced diet, tasting fruit and developing and making our own seasonal smoothie recipes.