Collection and Missing Child Procedure
Missing Child Procedure
In the unlikely event of a child going missing….
1. Inform the Head Teacher/Assistant Head Teacher immediately.
2. The Head Teacher/Assistant Head Teacher check all exits and toilets first then proceed to other areas.
3. If the child is not located within 10 minutes, the Head Teacher/ Assistant Head Teacher will inform parents.
4. The Head Teacher/ Assistant Head Teacher will notify Police and the Local Authority giving details of child, appearance, date and time missing.
In the unlikely event of a child going missing on an educational visit, the group leader will ensure remaining children are safe and will then notify educational site staff and Havergal. The group leader will then proceed to locate child with other available adult helpers and educational site staff. If the child is not located within 5 minutes the group leader will notify the Head Teacher/Assistant Head Teacher at school who will notify parents and Police.
Uncollected Child Procedure
In the event of a child not being collected….
1. Allow 10 minutes from stated collection time.
2. The class teacher checks with the office if there has been a message left informing that the parent will be late.
3. If no message, the child stays with the class teacher (or secretary or another responsible member of staff in the event of meeting/after school club). The class teacher/secretary accesses parent contact details and contacts parents to collect.
4. If the parent is not contactable, leave a message and inform the Head Teacher, if unavailable the Assistant Head Teacher and if unavailable YC (Deputy Designated Safeguarding) who will take responsibility. Make contact with Staffordshire Children's Advice and Support Service.