Spring 2
This half term we will be introducing a new book, 'Escape From Pompeii', written by Christina Balit.
This book retells the harrowing day that Mount Vesuvius erupted and destroyed the town of Pompeii from the perspective of a child living in the town. This book will enable the children to write brilliantly creative and descriptive pieces about the volcano, the eruption itself and the aftermath.
This term our writing journeys will include a descriptive writing piece about the eruption, a diary entry from the perspective of a child and persuasive text to visit the town of Pompeii.
We will be focusing on the following areas this term:
A big push on learning times tables for rapid recall – x8, x4, x3, multiplication tables and related division facts. We will take this times tables knowledge and begin to multiply and divide two-digit numbers by one-digit numbers using more complex written methods.
We will also be moving onto measuring and understanding length and perimeter as part of our measurements. The children will be learning what a perimeter is and how to calculate and measure it before moving onto mass and weight.
Useful websites:
This term we will be continuing with our subject of History but moving onto a new period in history, the Roman Empire. We will be learning about how the Roman Empire started and who lead it before talking about what made the Romans so successful during this period. Finally we will look at the impact the Romans had on Britain after their conquest and how Britain changed forever.
Design Technology
DT this is term is linked to pneumatic systems. We will be investigating how pneumatic systems work and where they are found in everyday life. Creating our own simple pneumatic systems, designing and making a moving monster.
Our science is based on forces and magnets this half term. We will learn about what a force is, with a focus on push and pull forces. The children will complete a number of experiments to test how forces can impact our lives, before beginning to learn about magnets. We will explore how magnets work, their strength and what materials they attract or repel.
MFL – French
We will be learning the correct pronunciation and spelling of the numbers from 1-10 in French this half term.
This term in RE will be focusing on ‘What Can We Learn From Islam’, we will be looking their holy book, special place of worship and understanding the importance of the Five Pillars of Islam to Muslims.
In music this term, children will be using Charanga. Their unit is called 'Three Little Birds'. The children will be learning the song, breaking down the instruments and lyrics and will then learn to play it using glockenspiels.
During our P.E lessons this term, we will be practising our gymnastics skills with Mr Evans and taking part in one session per week with a Progressive Sport’s Coach focusing on target games.
In our computing sessions we will be focusing on emails. The children will learn skills including email lay outs, email addresses and safety.
This terms unit is called 'Diverse Britain'. The children will learn about the diversity of Britain whilst also learning about the importance of democracy, liberty and the rules of law.