Spring 1
This half term the children will continue to study the text 'The Heart in the Bottle'. We will be producing a letter of advice and a poem.
The children will consolidate their knowledge of different sentence types, conjunctions and how to use the present and past tenses correctly including the progressive form.
Our spellings will be based on using suffixes and prefixes.
During our reading lessons, we will read a range of text types and will answer the following types of questions.
Give/explain the meaning of words in context.
- What does this... word/phrase/sentence... tell you about ... character/setting/mood etc?
- Highlight a key phrase or line. By writing a line in this way, what effect has the author created?
- In the story, 'x' is mentioned a lot. Why?
Retrieve and record information/identify key details from fiction and non-fiction.
- Where does the story take place?
- When did the story take place?
- What do you think is happening here?
Sumarise main ideas from more than one paragraph.
- What's the main point in this paragraph?
- Which is the most important point in these paragraphs? How many times is it mentioned?
- Sort the information in these paragraphs. Do any of them deal with the same information?
Make inferences from the text/explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text.
- What makes you think that?
- Which words give you that impression?
- How do you feel about...?
Predict what might happen from details stated and implied.
- What do you think will happen next?
- What do you think [character] will do now?
- How do you think the story will end?
Identify/explain how narrative content is related and contributes to meaning as a whole.
- Draw lines to match each section to its main content.
- Match each part of the story with the correct quotation from the text.
Explain how meaning is enhanced through the choice of words or phrases.
- Why do you think the author chose to use this word to describe...?
- Why did the author choose this simile?
- What is the effect of alliteration in this sentence?
Make comparisons within the text.
- Find and copy the words where [character]'s mood changes.
- How does [character]'s attitude change?
- How does [character]'s feelings change?
This half term we will continue our learning and will look at the following areas.
*Properties of shapes - Turns and angles, right angles in shapes, compare angles
*Multiplying and dividing by 4 and solving problems linked to it.
*Multiplying and dividing by 8 and solving problems linked to it.
*Money - Pounds and pence, converting pounds an pence, solving money problems.
Useful websites:
- The Roman Invasions
- Roman Army
- Importance of Roman Roads
- Boudicca’s Rebellion
- Hadrian’s Wall
- Roman Baths & Bathing
Art this term is linked to Roman Mosaics . We will be focusing upon investigating and creating patterns, using stencils to create Roman inspired patterns. Researching Roman mosaics including designing and making their own mosaic.
This half term we are learning about Force and magnets
- What is a force
- Pushes and pulls
- Friction
- Magnetic and non-magnetic materials
- Investigating different types of magnets and their strengths
- Investigating magnetic fields and magnetic poles.
Useful website:
MFL – French
We are learning how to say, read, write and use numbers 1 – 10 in French. Develop a knowledge of Euros and their value and evaluate aspects of French culture in relation to numeracy. We will be speaking, reading and writing in French.
In RE will be focusing on ‘What Can We Learn From Islam’, we will be looking their holy book, special place of worship and understanding the importance of the Five Pillars of Islam to Muslims.
In music we will be using Charanga. Their unit is called ‘Three Little Birds’. Learning will include listening and appraising different styles of music and songs, rhythm games and learning to perform different songs. We will also be learning to play the glockenspiel.
During our P.E lessons this term, we will be practising our gymnastics skills with Mrs Barker and taking part in one session per week with a Progressive Sport’s Coach focusing target games.
In our computing sessions, we will be using Purple Mash to complete an Email unit. We will be thinking about the different methods of communication, learn how to stay safe using emails. Also opening and responding to an email and sending attachments.
This unit is inspired by the idea that we live in a diverse, multicultural and democratic society and that this is important and brings many benefits. It aims to enable the children to identify that they should be respectful of difference. In this unit, we will learn about British people, rules, the law, liberty and what living in a democracy means. They also learn about the importance of being tolerant of differences within their society.