Spring 1
Our text for the term is 'The Diary of a Wimpy Kid.' This exciting and humorous comic novel is a popular choice amongst children, and tells the story of Greg Heffley as he navigates his way through his middle school.
We will be writing a biography of the author, exploring characters and will be writing a setting description of the haunted house.
This term we will be covering topics including multiplication, place value, rounding, roman numerals, fractions, decimals and time. We will be focusing on learning the 11 and 12 times tables and their related division facts, in addition to recapping prior multiplication and division facts.
We will be working to cover the objectives:
In this super practical physics unit we will be getting our electricity kits out to build circuits in a variety of ways. We will cover:
- Electrical circuits including series circuits and complete circuits
- Electrical conductors and insulators
- The invention of electricity
- Components and investigating how they affect the circuit
Our Local Area
In this fieldwork unit we will be looking at our local and wider area. We will look to cover:
- Which county we live in and some physical and human features of it
- Using OS maps to understand symbols and 4 figure grid references
- Creating and drawing sketch maps of Shareshill
- Services in Shareshill and Cannock area
We will be learning the vocabulary for our topic 'Food' this half term. We will be looking at using the vocabulary for different foods in French and building up our conversation skills to ask what people like to eat.
This unit will link to our electricity unit. We will be analysing existing products to help us design our own alarm system.
Our topic 'One World' focuses on living in the wider world. We will be following the life and experiences of a fictional character from Malawi, comparing her life to ours. We will be learning to understand experiences around the world and how we can help to make the world a better place and to be a good global citizen.
This half term we will be learning how to use spreadsheets on Purple Mash. We will be learning how to use formulas and format cells, to use graphing tools to represent data, to apply to real life situations for budgeting and how to use place value correctly.
In music this term, the children will be following the Charanga Music Scheme based around the rap song “Stop”. The children will be composing their own rap verses on anti-bullying to fit into the song and then rehearse and perform the song as a class.
In Wednesdays session we will be completing a dance unit. Pupils will gain inspiration from a range of stimuli, working individually, in pairs and small groups. Pupils think about how to use movement to explore and communicate ideas and issues, and their own feelings and thoughts, whilst developing confidence in performing.
This term, the class will be looking at 'Why do Christians think Jesus is inspirational?' The children will explain who inspires them in life and why, they will be naming and understanding Jesus' 'I am sayings' and his beatitudes. Children will enjoy listening to Jesus' parables and his miracles and the meaning behind them. Children will be studying the importance of stained glass windows for Christians and even design one themselves.
Our Easter learning is 'Why do Christians call the day Jesus died 'Good Friday'? The children will be focusing on the thoughts and feelings of the disciples leading up to The last Supper.