Summer 1 2024
This term our writing will be based on The Tin Forest by Helen Ward.
This is a lovely story about an old man who lives in a wild, windswept place surrounded by all the things that no one wanted. Every day he sifts and sorts through the rubbish and each night he dreams of a different world.
One day, something catches the old man's eye and an idea plants itself in his head.
We will be making predictions, writing a character descriptions with a focus on how the old man changes through the story, setting description using interesting words and phrases from the text , a letter and planning and writing our own version of the story.
This term we will focus on ;
- addition and subtraction using written methods and showing our working out ( and knowledge of place value)
- we will continue to learn our multiples of 2,3,5 and 10 and the corresponding division facts
- finding missing numbers in number sentences
- solving word problems using the 4 rules of number
- finding 1/4, 2/4 and 3/4 of shapes and amounts ( recognising that 2/4 is the same as 1/2)
- using coins to make totals in different ways and also introduce the idea of giving change
- telling the time using o'clock, quarter past, half past, quarter to and using 5 minute intervals ( 5 minutes past, 10 minutes past...) on an analogue clock
- solving problems using time and other measures, reading scales and comparing
Useful websites:
https://topmarks hit the button
This term we will be learning about animals including humans. We will look at animal offspring and compare them to their adults. They will explore how animals change as they grow up and be introduced to the life cycles of different animals and also the human life cycle . We will look in detail at how humans change as they grow older, drawing on their own observations. We also learn about the basic things that animals need to survive
( water, food and air). We will also explore healthy lifestyles including the importance of exercise, healthy eating and hygiene.
Our learning this term is the History of Transport. We will learn about how advances in technology have allowed people to travel further !
We will look at different types of transport and put them into chronological order on a timeline.
We will learn about the Wright Brothers and the first aeroplane flight.
We will learn about how the invention of the engine meant we could travel further and faster.
We will explore how people felt about these different inventions and how they have changed our world.
We will think about and make predictions imagining what travel could be like in the future.
Art and Design/ Design Technology
Our Design Technology this term will focus on designing and making our own vehicles.
We will learn to:
- identify and name the features of different types of vehicles
- to recognise and describe what each part of the vehicle does e.g. the steering wheel help us to change direction, the light mean we can see in the dark
- we will design and label our own vehicles
- we will make our vehicles and then decorate them
- we will learn to adapt our plans as we go along if and when needed
- we will evaluate our designs
We will learn how to say hello and goodbye, answer the register and count to 10 in Italian.
We will learn about the country of Italy and find out about the traditions , food and music.
Our R.E this term is Leaders and Followers thinking about the question How are the Christian and Jewish families led?
We will learn to:
- recognise the qualities a good leader needs
- explain what was happening to the Israelites in Egypt
- know who Moses was and how he made a good leader
- explain what was given to Moses by God
- explain what the Ten Commandments were
- make our own rules for living a good life
- name some of the disciples who were followers of Jesus
- describe the roles of a vicar and rabbi in places of worship
- understand why Christians follow Jesus
- design a stained glass window to show Jesus is a good leader for Christians
Our music will focus on the Friendship Song by Joanna Mangona and Pete Readman.
This is a song about being friends.
Learning will include listening to and appraising a range of songs that all have a friendship theme.
We will investigate different rhythm games and learn to play musical accompaniment using the glockenspiels. We will investigate our own compositions using the instruments and computers.
This term we will focus on co-ordination skills. We will investigate striking with a tennis racquet and cricket bat. We will develop our throwing and catching skills, learn how to bowl a ball more accurately and field as part of a team.
In our computing lessons we will be learning about coding using Purple Mash. We will learn the vocabulary linked to coding and understand that for the computer to make things happen we need to give clear instructions.
We will learn to create simple programs using coding blocks.
We will investigate using event, object and action code blocks and create our own algorithms.
The focus is on encouraging children to think about where money comes from and how it can be used. We will discuss the idea of spending and saving their money, and begin to understand why it’s important to keep their belongings, including money, safe.
We will also learn about the process of shopping, and how we need to identify the difference between the things we want and the things we need.
The PSHE Money Matters KS1 unit covers the following topics:
- Money - Explaining the different forms that money comes in.
- Where Money Comes From - Explaining how money is earned and what different jobs people can have to earn money.
- Look After It - Explaining why and how money needs to be looked after.
- Save or Spend? - Explaining the different choices people can make when it comes to spending and saving money.
- Want or Need? - Explaining the differences between needs and wants and how people might not always be able to have the things they want.
- Going Shopping - Explaining what happens when we go shopping.