Summer 1
This term, our English lessons are based on the narrative poem "The Highwayman" by Alfred Noyes. The children will explore the imagery and meaning of the poem; write their own modern poem based on the structure of The Highwayman; write a newspaper report and a setting description. Children will plan, write, edit and improve and publish their final versions following our Writing Phases.
Each week, we have a dedicated Guided Reading Lesson and SPAG lesson.
This half-term, we are covering the following topics in maths:
- Decimals
- Fractions
- Multiplication and Division
- Place Value
- Negative numbers
- Shape
We also have a weekly times tables test and arithmetic lesson.
Our current science topic is Living Things and Their Habitats. We will learn about:
- Different ways of how plants reproduce
- The life cycles of mammals
- The life cycles of amphibians and insects
- Compare the lifecycles of different animals
- Jane Goodall and her work with chimpanzees
We are learning about the The Changing Power of Monarchs. Our lesson will cover:
- How the Normans came to rule Britain in 1066
- King John
- Henry VIII
- Queen Anne
- Queen Victoria and the British Empire
- The modern royal family
Our current topic is Games Creator, Purple Mash. The children will design, create, play and evaluate their own computer game.
This half term, we are using Charanga for our music
lessons and our learning will be based on the Motown classic "Dancing on the Street". In our lessons we will: listen and appraise, sing, play the glockenspeils, improvise and compose.
OUr new French topic is "La Ville" - a town. Our lessons will include speaking, listening, reading, writing and playing games.
Our PSHE lesson are based on "You are Unique" Children will understand why everyone needs to be celebrated and respected; how to share their thoughts and feelings; how to manage feeling shy or nervous and how to do the right thing.
On Tuesdays, our lessons are with Mr Parker and
on a Friday with Mrs Barker. Please come to school in your correct PE uniform on these days.