Spring 1
Our text for the term is an abridged version of the original story of the 'Wind in the Willows' by Kenneth Grahame. The story follows the lives of four unlikely friends; Mole, Ratty, Toad and Badger. One spring day, Mole peers out from his underground home to find a marvellous world awaits him. As the seasons pass, he picnics on the riverbank with Ratty, accompanies Toad on a chaotic caravan adventure, and even braves the snowy depths of the fearsome Wild Wood in search of Badger. But when Toad's mischievous ways finally land him in trouble, his friends must come to his rescue and recapture Toad Hall from a gang of sneaky stoats and wheedling weasels.
We will be writing a variety of texts based on this novel, including poetry, a non-chronological report and a character descriptions.
Our Guided Reading sessions will focus on our Summary Skills. Please make sure that you are reading with your child each week and this is recorded in their planner.
Our Spelling rules this half term will include: homophones, the suffix -ation, the prefix sub- (meaning under) and super- (meaning above), and plural possessive apostrophes.
Our physics unit on sound will teach us all about how sounds are created and heard. We will be looking at:
- How sounds are made by different instruments
- How we hear sounds via the ear
- How to change the volume of sounds
- How to change the pitch of sounds
The Vikings
In this exciting unit we will be learning about:
- Explaining when and where the Vikings came from and why they raided Britain
- What Danelaw and Danegeld were
- Identify and explain key aspects of Viking life
- Viking beliefs
- Explaining how the last Anglo-Saxon kings shaped Britain
We will also be participating in an exciting workshop, where our Viking learning will be brought to life with real artefacts, dressing up, and a whole day learning about the Vikings!
Likes and dislikes
In this unit we will learn vocabulary to say whether we like something or not. We will apply this to a range of scenarios, including food, animals and colours. We will also begin to give reasons to explain why. We will use our speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.
Our art learning is based on Viking Portraits. Children will practise drawing using tone, texture and perspective, to create their own realistic portrait of a Viking.
One World
This unit is based on a case study of a fictional girl called Chiwa, who lives in Malawi. It explores the concepts of inequality and stereotypes and encourages them to reflect on what they can do to help make the world a fairer place. We will learn about climate change and organisations around the world that help people like Chiwa.
This unit is based upon the song Stop! By Joanna Mangoa, a rap/grime song about bullying. The children will practise the song, and have the chance to compose and perform their own rap lyrics.
We will use Purple Mash to look at animations in movies and TV. We will create our own animations using frames, learning to use the onion skinning tool, and creating stop-motion animations.
We will be practicing Target Games on Monday's sessions. We will be developing our accuracy and aim of throwing and rolling using ball games, beanbags, Boccia and Archery. We will also be developing our Gymnastics skills in Thursday's sessions. We will practise partner balances, rolls and use apparatus; finally applying these skills in a sequence.
Gospel – Why do Christians think Jesus is inspirational?
In this unit we will think about who inspires us. We will learn about some of Jesus’ symbols, parables and miracles, and be able to explain why Jesus was inspirational to Christians.