Compliments, Comments and Complaints
Compliments and comments
It is always good to receive positive feedback. This will always be shared with staff and children in a timely way via briefings; email; in person where appropriate; in worship; in celebration worship and via School Council. Cards, emails and letters will be placed in prominent positions around the academy. If parents/guardians/carers agree, their compliments can be put onto our website. Compliments can be given in any format the parent /guardians/carer or other person chooses:
• Letter or card
• Telephone
• Verbally to any member of staff
Our aim is to address any concerns or issues before they become a complaint.
The best way to approach any concerns is by speaking to the office or the class teacher in the first instance. Any problems can usually be sorted out very easily by this procedure.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome, then you may request to speak to Miss Bishop, our Head of School. Please be aware that Miss Bishop is not always available during the day as she also teaches.
If you still feel that your concern has not been addressed, you may request to speak to Miss Taylor, our Executive Principal. Please be aware that Miss Taylor works in two academies so may not always be available every day.
If you still do not feel that your concern had been dealt with appropriately, you may request to speak to Brian Churm, who is the Chair of our Local Academy Committee. He can be contacted by calling the office on 01922 415342.
We understand that parents and carers may sometimes have very strong feelings regarding some issues but we will not tolerate aggressive or abusive behaviour towards any of our staff.