Autumn (1) 2024
Our English this half term is based around traditional tales. We will be reading and comparing lots of different traditional tales and our writing will focus upon The Enormous Turnip, The Elves and The Shoe Maker and Little Red Hen.
We will be discussing and comparing the different traditional tales, looking at the different characters and the problems they face in each story and how they solve the problem. We will be using drama to retell the stories in our own words. For our writing, we will be creating character descriptions, thank you letters, writing lists, making predictions, expressing our opinions, using adjectives and creating our own alternate versions of famous traditional tales.
Week 1 - Year 1 Baseline assessing sounds taught in level 2 & 3.
Week 2 - Revision of Level 2 & 3 sounds.
Week 3 - Revision of Level 3 sounds.
Week 4 - 'ay' saying /ai/ common exception words (reading): could, should
Common exception words (spelling): said, so
Week 5 - 'oy' saying /oi/ common exception words (reading): would, want
Common exception words (spelling): have, like
Week 6 - 'ie' saying /igh/ common exception words (reading): oh, their
Common exception words (spelling): come, some
Week 7 - 'ea' saying /ee/ 'oy' saying /oi/ common exception words (reading): Mr, Mrs
Common exception words (spelling): were, there
Week 8 - 'a_e' saying /ai/ common exception words (reading): love, your
Common exception words (spelling): little, one
Maths this half term is based on the following:
Place Value within ten
- sort objects, count objects, count objects from a larger group
- represent objects, recogise numbers as words, count on from any number, finding one more
- count backwards within 10, one less, fewer, more, the same, less than, greater than & equal to
- compare numbers, order objects and numbers and The Number Line
Geometry (properties of shape)
- Recognise and name 3d shapes
- Sort 3d shapes
- Recognise and name 2d shapes
- Sort 2d shapes
- Patterns with 2d and 3d shapes
Addition and subtraction within 10
- Introduce part and wholes, part, whole model, write number sentences, addition fact families.
- Number bonds within 10, systematic number bonds within 10, number bonds to 10.
- Addition - add together, add more, addition problems
Science - Our Bodies
- Naming and locating parts of the human body
- What are the 5 senses and why are they important?
- Why is our sense of taste important?
- How do we adapt to loosing our sense of hearing?
- How do we adapt to loosing our sight?
Geography - Our School
- What are physical and human features?
- Can you spot any around our school?
- What is an aerial view?
- Making maps of our school, grounds and classroom
- What are keys and symbols used for on maps?
- What are compass directions and how are they used?
Art - Self Portraits
- Looking at self-portraits Art appreciation
- Drawing techniques - what is line and tone?
- How to draw and self-portrait using line and tone
- Pablo Picasso - using colour to show emotions
- Creating self-portraits in the styles of Paul Klee and Picasso.
PSHE - TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More)
This unit is inspired by the idea that if a team works well together, it can have a positive impact on all of its members and what they can achieve. It aims to enable the children to develop successful collaborative working skills, such as good listening. In this unit, children learn about the importance of being kind to others, the effects of bullying and teasing what to do about it if they see it happening to others or if it happens to them. They will also think about effective learning skills and how to identify good and not-so good choices.
Out computing learning will be using the online learning platform called Purple Mash.
We will be learning how to:
- Log in safely and why this is important
- How to save and find our learning in Purple Mash
- How to use and find the resources and tools in Purple Mash
RE -Creation and Thanksgiving
Our Re learning is based upon 'How do we say thank you for our beautiful world?'.
We will be:
- asking questions of how the world began and all about the wonderful world we live in
- Exploring the facts that Christians and Jews believe God created the world and everything in it
- Retelling the creation story through words, drama or pictures
- Recognising that the creation story from the Bible and Torah is important to Christians and Jewish people
- Thanking God for the harvest
- Making links between our behaviour and how the world is cared for or spoilt
- Knowing the importance of looking after animals and protecting nature
- Explaining the meaning and messages from religious stories
We will be using the music programme Changra. Our unit is called 'Hey You'
Hey You! is written in an old -school hip hop style. We will be learning about the differences between pulse, rhythm and pitch and learn how to rap.
We will be learning to sing, play, improvise and compose with this song and listen and appraise other Old-School Hip Hop tunes.
Physical Education
In this unit pupils will explore the fundamental skills of balancing, running, changing direction, jumping, hopping and skipping. They will explore these skills in isolation as well as in combination. Pupils will be given opportunities to identify areas of strength and areas for improvement. Pupils will work collaboratively with others, taking turns and sharing ideas.
Team Building
In this unit pupils develop their teamwork skills. They work individually, in pairs and in small groups, learning to take turns, work collaboratively and lead each other. They develop key skills of communication and problem solving, They are given the opportunity to discuss and plan their ideas and reflect on their success.