Autumn 2
This half term we will use 'The Heart In The Bottle' as a stimulus.
We will produce dialogue, a new beginning for the story and a poem entry linked to the text. We will discuss the features of each type of text and think about how we can use them in our own writing.
We will continue to develop our knowledge of conjunctions, apostrophes, commas, inverted commas and also learn about the past tense.
Spellings for this half term will continue to be taken from the Twinkl scheme.
The focus will be:- Creating adverbs using the suffix -ly.
In guided reading sessions, the children will read texts match to their reading level and answer questions based on the following areas.
Give/explain the meaning of words in context.
- What does this... word/phrase/sentence... tell you about ... character/setting/mood etc?
- Highlight a key phrase or line. By writing a line in this way, what effect has the author created?
- In the story, 'x' is mentioned a lot. Why?
Retrieve and record information/identify key details from fiction and non-fiction.
- Where does the story take place?
- When did the story take place?
- What do you think is happening here?
Summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph.
- What's the main point in this paragraph?
- Which is the most important point in these paragraphs? How many times is it mentioned?
- Sort the information in these paragraphs. Do any of them deal with the same information?
Make inferences from the text/explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text.
- What makes you think that?
- Which words give you that impression?
- How do you feel about...?
Predict what might happen from details stated and implied.
- What do you think will happen next?
- What do you think [character] will do now?
- How do you think the story will end?
Identify/explain how narrative content is related and contributes to meaning as a whole.
- Draw lines to match each section to its main content.
- Match each part of the story with the correct quotation from the text.
Explain how meaning is enhanced through the choice of words or phrases.
- Why do you think the author chose to use this word to describe...?
- Why did the author choose this simile?
- What is the effect of alliteration in this sentence?
Make comparisons within the text.
- Find and copy the words where [character]'s mood changes.
- How does [character]'s attitude change?
- How does [character]'s feelings change?
This half term we are focusing on the following areas-
*Equal groups
*Using arrays
*Using and applying knowledge of multiples of 2, 5, 3 and 10 to solve problems and reason about problems
*Sharing and grouping
*Using and applying knowledge of 2, 5, 3 and 10 times table to divide and to solve problems and reason about problems
*Pictograms, bar charts and tables
*Solving problems and reasoning about data in pictograms, bar charts and tables.
Geometry (Properties of shape)
*Turns and angles
*Right angels in shapes
*Comparing angels
*Column addition of two digit numbers
*Column subtraction
Our topic this half term is based on the period Stone through to the Iron Age.
The children will learn about what it was like to live during this period and the changes that occurred as the period progressed.
Our topic is Rocks.
The children will
- compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties
- describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rock
- recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter
Religious Education
The children will continue to be taught by Mrs. Barker.
This half term our topics are-
How and why do Hindus celebrate Diwali?
The children will be able to describe the festival, when and how it is celebrated.
Retell the Diwali story
Understand the the lessons learnt from the Diwali story
Understand why the Goddess Lakshmi is important to Hindus.
What is the meaning of light for Christians? (Incarnation)
Know how light makes them feel.
Describe who and how someone can guide you in life.
Know where and why light is used in the nativity story
Understand the meaning behind the painting 'Light of the World' by William Holman Hunt.
Understand why Jesus is called the 'Light of the World'
Physical Education
The children will work with the Progressive Sports coach to develop their football skills. They will develop ball control, passing skills and simple tactics.
With Mrs. Barker, the children will develop their netball skills.
They will explore different ways to pass and receive the ball. They will play small group games.
This half term our topic is 'Think Positive'
This unit is designed to build on what the children have already learnt about feelings, both comfortable and uncomfortable and how our attitude towards life can affect our mental health. The lessons centre around themes such as thinking positively and calmly, managing difficult emotions, taking responsibility for decisions and developing a growth mindset approach to learning.
By the end of the unit the children should be able to -
• understand that it is important to look after our mental health.
• recognise and describe a range of positive and negative emotions.
• discuss changes people may experience in their lives and how they might make them feel.
• talk about things that make them happy and help them to stay calm.
• identify uncomfortable emotions and what can cause them.
• discuss the characteristics of a good learner.
This half term our topic is Recorders – Stage 1
This is a six-week Unit of Work where the children will learn to hold the recorder correctly, play the notes A, B & G and hopefully put the notes together to play a tune.
Our topic is 'Touch Typing'
The children will learn:-
* typing terminology.
• To understand the correct way to sit at the keyboard.
• To learn how to use the home, top and bottom row keys.
*To type with both left and right hands.
Our unit for this half term is 'Monet'
The children will learn about the life of Claude Monet and study his paintings. They will learn to colour mix and will have the opportunity to draw and paint 'en plein air' in the style of Monet.