Autumn 2 2023 - 2024
Our English this half term is based around two exciting books.
An award winning, hilarious rhyming tale about a frog who discovers that all animals have their special places to sit.
Harry Frog can't wait to catch his very own dinner, but finding something to eat isn't as easy as Harry thinks it will be. The dragonfly is too quick for him, and the snail too clever. Then, just as Harry is about to give up and go home, he sees something that looks just right.
We will be investigating words that rhyme and writing our own rhyming sentence, writing letters of complaint and creating a menu for Harry. Our non-fiction writing will be based around researching and writing frog fact files and explaining the life cycle of the frog.
Learn alternative spellings of:
- phonemes ‘igh’ (i_e) and and ‘oa’ (o_e)
- Learn alternative spellings of phonemes ‘yoo’ (u_e) and ‘ee’ (e_e)
- Learn new pronunciation of ‘ou’.
- Learn new pronunciation of ‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’ and ‘u’.
- Learn alternative spellings of phonemes ‘c’ and ‘sh’
This half term Year 1s Maths is focused upon place value and numbers 10 to 20.
We will be learning to:
- Add and subtract within 10
- Comparing lengths and heights
- Measuring length
- Adding length problems
- Measure and compare mass
- Measure and compare capacity
- What are the four seasons and how are they different?
- How to measure the amount of rainfall?
- How to observe and describe weather associated with autumn and how day length varies?
- Which is the best insulating material for keeping us warm?
- How do some animals adapt to survive in winter?
History - The Gunpowder Plot
- How can we find out about the past?
- Why do we celebrate Bonfire night?
- Who was James I?
- Who was Guy Fawkes?
- What happened in the Gunpowder Plot?
- What lessons can be learnt from the Gunpowder Plot?
Design Technology - Fabric Faces
We will learn all about different fabrics, explore and become familiar with the names of different fabrics. Learn how to choose and manipulate fabrics to create different effects and how to join fabrics in a variety of ways. Finally we will apply all of these skills to them create their own fabric face.
PSHE - Think Happy
Our PSHE learning this half term will help us to recognise, talk about and accept their feelings, both positive and negative, as well as how to manage certain emotions. Our learning supports themes of thinking positively and calmly, making good decisions and developing resilience. It also encourages the children to explore the positive feelings associated with being thankful, grateful and mindful.
We will be using the music programme Charanga.
Our music learning is focused around two songs: Rhythm In The Way We Walk (Reggae style) and Banana Rap (Hip Hop style). We will listen & appraise other styles of music and continue to embed the interrelated dimensions of music through games and singing.
Our computing learning will be using the online learning platform called Purple Mash.
Grouping and Sorting
- Sorting items using a range of criteria.
- Sort items on the computer using the 'grouping' activities in Purple Mash.
- Understand that data can be represented in picture format.
- Create a class pictogram
- Use a pictogram to record the results of an experiment
Religious Education
Our RE learning is based upon 'Why does Christmas matter to Christians?
We will be learning:
- To know that Jesus is a special baby
- Retell the story of the birth of Jesus from the gospel of Luke
- Recognise the characters from the nativity story
- Know what a Christingle is
- Describe why Christians are thankful to God and others
- Know that it is Jesus' birthday on Christmas Day
- Describe why Christmas is important to Christians
Our PE days are on Tuesday and Friday. We will be practicing our agility through different games.