Summer 1
This term all of our English learning is based around the Ice Palace by Robert Swindells.
Ivan lives in a land where the winter is dark and fearful. Starjik, King of Winter, steals Ivan's little brother and Ivan braves the bitter cold to find him ...
We will be writing descriptions of characters and narrative settings, diary entries, non-chronological reports and letters.
We will be focusing on the following areas this term:
A big push on learning times tables for rapid recall – x7, 8 and x9 multiplication tables and related division facts.
Remember to practise your times tables at home using TTRockstars to help! On a Friday we have a times tables test with 60 questions. The idea is to beat your score from the previous week!
- Written calculations – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
- Solving problems using all 4 operations
- Measuring mass and capacity
- Naming and describing 3d shapes.
- Telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes
- Measuring length and calculating perimeter
Our science is based all around plants and growing
- Different parts of a flowering plant
- What do plants need to grow well?
- How is water transported around plants?
- What are the different parts of a flowering plant and their functions?
- Life Cycle of Flowering Plants
Britain’s Settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots
- Why, where and when did the Scots and Anglo-Saxons invade Britain?
- How the Anglo-Saxons have influenced Britain by their name place names?
- What was everyday life was like for the people who lived in an Anglo-Saxon Village?
- What can Anglo-Saxon artefacts teach us about Anglo-Saxon culture?
- What were the religious beliefs and practices of the early Anglo-Saxon people?
Art and Design
Our Art this term is based around Monet and Impressionism.
We will be learning what is Impressionism and where and why did it begin. Who is Monet? Art appreciation of Monet's paintings and using Monet's garden at Giverny to inspire our drawings and paintings.
MFL - French
Animals including pets
- To understand the words for animals and to use them appropriately
- To be able to repeat sounds and attach sounds to the written word
- To correctly read and write the names of common animals and pets
- To apply knowledge of animals in different contexts
- To develop an understanding of Masculine and Feminine
- To develop cultural understanding of common animals and pets
RE this half term is based around Ascension and Pentecost.
We will be learning about what is Ascension and Pentecost and when does it happen. Retelling the story of Pentecost and understanding why it is important for the growth of Christianity. Explaining what the Trinity is and what it is made up of and understanding how the Holy Spirit is evident in Christian's lives.
In music this half term, we will be using the Charanga unit called 'Bringing Us Together'.
This is a Disco song about friendship, peace, hope and unit. Learning will include listening and appraising different styles of music and songs, rhythm games and learning to perform different songs. We will also be continuing to learn to play the glockenspiel.
During our P.E lessons this half term, we will be practising our tennis skills with Mrs Barker and taking part in one session per week with a Progressive Sport’s Coach focusing golf skills.
In our computing sessions we will be learning how to code using Purple Mash. We will be designing and writing a program that simulates a physical system, looking at the 'if' commands, how to a variable to create a timer and how to debug simple programmes.
Our learning is called It’s My Body, which explores the choices children can make about looking after their bodies. The lessons look at making safer choices about their bodies, sleep and exercise, diet, cleanliness and substances. Children will learn facts about each of these areas and learn strategies on how to manage them. The message of choice and consent runs through the unit and children are encouraged to get help from trusted adults when necessary.