Spring 1
Our English lessons this term are based on the text "Pig Heart Boy" by Malorie Blackman, which is a novel about Cameron Kelsey, a 13 year old boy needs a new heart.
We will be following our writing process to plan (using a variety of sources, model texts and WAGOLLs), build vocabulary, write a first draft, edit and improve and produce final versions to complete: a biography about Malorie Blackman; and a character description (Cameron)
We also have a dedicated guided reading lesson a week, where the children build on their understanding of a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts and their ability to retrieve information, make inferences using evidence from the text, summarise, learn the meaning of new vocabulary and discuss the author's use of language.
This half-term, we are covering the following topics in maths:
- Place value, rounding and Roman Numerals
- Column addition and subtraction
- Long multiplication and bus stop division
- Statistics
- Add and subtract whole numbers and fractions
- Multiply fractions
We also have a weekly times tables test and arithmetic lesson.
Our current science topic is Forces in which we:
- Explain what a force is.
- Learn about gravity and investigate the link between mass and weight using Newton meters.
- Investigate air resistance by building parachutes.
- Investigate water resistance and friction
- Learn about mechanisms
We are learning all about Ancient Greece this half term, including the spread of the Ancient Greek empire and Alexander the Great; daily life in ancient Greece; Athens and Sparta; the Olympics and The Trojan War. Children will also complete a home-learning project on Greek Gods and Godesses, as well as exploring Greek myths and legends in our reading lessons.
We are exploring Ancient Greek pottery in our art lessons and will design, make and evaluate our own Greek vase from clay, using joining techniques.
Our current topic is Spreadsheets, using 2Calculate on Purple Mash. The children will learn about inputting a formula when in advanced mode; filling down and changing variables.
This half term, we are using Charanga for our music lessons based on the song "Make Me Feel Your Love" recorded by Adele. We will learn to sing the song, play along to some of the song on glockenspiels, as well as improvising and composing our own music along to the song.
We will continue our topic of Clothing "Les Vetments"
Our PSHE lesson are based on "Diverse Britain" and each lesson focuses on a different British Value.
On Tuesdays, we are focusing on target games with Mr Parker and on Fridays, the children will develop their gymnastic skills with Mrs Barker.