Autumn 1
Our English lessons this term are based on the text "Pig Heart Boy" by Malorie Blackman, which was chosen by the children.
We will be following our writing process to plan (using a variety of sources, model texts and WAGOLLs), build vocabulary, write a first draft, edit and improve and produce final versions to complete the following text types:
- An explanation report (How the Heart Works)
- A character description (Cameron)
- A speech (Should animals be used for medicine?)
Our spelling, punctuation and grammar lessons will cover:
- Apostrophes
- Proof-reading
- Relative Clauses
- Word Classes
- Determiners
- Suffixes
We also have a dedicated guided reading lesson a week, where the children build on their understanding of a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts and their ability to retrieve information, make inferences using evidence from the text, summarise, learn the meaning of new vocabulary and discuss the author's use of language.
We complete "Flashback 4" to revisit and consolidate prior learning and have a 2-minute times tables text every week, so that the children maintain and improve their knowledge of their times tables (including division facts up to 12 x 12). In addition, we complete an arithmetic lesson each week.
This half term, we are leaning:
- Place value in numbers up to 1,000,000
- Ordering and comparing numbers up to 1,000,000 (including on number lines)
- Counting, adding and subtracting in Powers of 10
- Adding and subtracting numbers with more than 4-digits
- Multi-step addition and subtraction problems
- Multiples, common multiples, factors and common factors
- Prime, squared and cube numbers
- Multiplying 4-digit numbers by a 1-digit number
- Multiplying a 2-digit number by a 2-digit number
- Equivalent fractions
- Improper fractions and mixed numbers
- Comparing and ordering fractions less than 1
- Comparing and ordering fractions greater than 1
Our science topic is Materials and their properties. This topic covers: properties of materials and their suitability for tasks; thermal insulators and conductors; electrical insulators and conductors; dissolving and separating mixtures and irreversible changes.
Our geography topic is the United Kingdom. This topic covers: compass directions, lines of latitude and longitude; placing countries, cities and counties accurately on a map; looking at topographical maps and drawing rivers and mountains of the UK; human and physical geography in the UK; researching a landmark in the UK; and why London is significant.
The children also have a Home Learning Project for this topic which is due back on 31st October (after half-term).
This half-term we are covering two topics of online safety and concept maps. We use Purple Mash for our computing lessons.
This half-term we are re-capping numbers to 20 and learning numbers up to 60. We will also learn the days of the week and months of the year. Our lessons include speaking, listening, reading, writing and songs.
Mrs barker teaches RE and the topic is "How and why do Christians, Muslims and Jews pray?" They will know what prayer is and begin to explore why religious believers pray. they will understand the meaning of the Christian's main prayer and write their own prayer.
Our art topic this half-term is Art Illusions. We will study perspective, horizon lines and vanishing points while creating our own artwork.,
Mr Bolton teaches the children guitars on a Thursday afternoon
Our PE learning is athletics, and the children are swimming on a Friday morning.
Our PSHE topic this half term is TEAM (Together, Everyone Achieves More).