Summer 1 2023-2024
We will begin our Summer Term by exploring 'The Vampire Hunter's Handbook'. We will take inspiration from this book to write our own set of instructions for hunting and destroying vampires.
After this, we will be revising for our upcoming SAT tests. We will complete various practice papers, '10 Minute Tests' and revision 'Carousels' so that we are fully prepared for the Reading and SPAG papers.
After SATs, we will begin to collate a body of evidence for our Writing Assessment. We will use the tense and thrilling ghost story 'The Giant's Necklace' by Michael Morpurgo on which to base various genres of writing to show off our capabilities.
"It all began with a necklace, made of glistening pink cowrie shells. A long, long necklace that had taken Cherry days - weeks - of careful, painstaking work. It was nearly complete, and Cherry was determined it would be the longest necklace she had ever made; that it would be fit for a giant!"
This term, we will be revising a range of skills in our Maths lessons to ensure we are fully prepared for our SAT tests. We will revise using past papers, '10 Minute tests' and some online games.
Here are some websites that might help:
After SATs, we will apply our Maths skills to solve various puzzles and problems.
Times tables
Remember to practise your times tables at home using TTRockstars to help! On a Friday we have a times tables test with 100 questions. The idea is to beat your score from the previous week!
Our Theme this term is ‘The First Railways'. This unit of work is History based and we will cover the following objectives:
- to develop a chronologically secure understanding of British, local and world history
- to note connections, contrasts and trends over time
- to address historically valid questions about change, cause and significance
- to organise relevant historical information
- to understand how our knowledge of the past is constructed from a range of sources.
Our Science Topic is ‘Animals including Humans’. We will be learning to identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood; to recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function and to describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans.
In our French lessons this term we will be learning about French schools and making comparisons with our own school routines. We will be covering the following objectives.
- To learn phrases using je fais
- To learn phrases using j’aime, j’adore, je n’aime pas, je déteste
- To give reasons for particular choices.
- Able to repeat sounds and attach sounds to the written word
- To use the vocabulary in context to build a sequence of conversation using different verb forms
- To write a sequence of phrases to form a paragraph
Our RE this term is 'How do people express their spiritual ideas through the arts?'. We will be:
- explaining what spiritual means
- exploring ways people express their feelings
- identifying and explaining the colours used in the church year
- identifying and explaining religious objects
- performing a Bible story
- identifying different styles of art in different religions
- looking at a variety of artists' artwork of Christianity.
In our Music lessons this term, we are continuing to learn how to play the recorder. We will learn how to hold the recorder correctly and how to read and play notes A,B,C. We will play a range of pieces of music on our recorders.
In our PE lessons with Mrs Barker, we will be practising our cricket skills and in our lessons with Miss Bishop, will be learning how to play net/wall games such as tennis and badminton.
In our computing sessions this term, we will be continuing our learning about how to use blog.
- Children will understand how a blog can be used as an informative text.
- Children will understand the key features of a blog.
- Children can work collaboratively to plan a blog.
- Children can create a blog or blog post with a specific purpose.
- Children understand that the way in which information is presented has an impact upon the audience.
We will also use our computing skills to create quizzes for our SATs revision.
Our PSHE topic this term is 'Money Matters'
This unit aims to encourage children to think about how money is used in the wider world. They will discuss the possible consequences of taking financial risks and identify ways to avoid these. Children will also learn about influences advertisers try to use to encourage us to spend our money and how to see the real value of products by being critical consumers. They will also explore what ethical spending means and consider how to identify the impact of our spending choices on the environment around us. Having learnt about ways we can spend money, children will also learn about budgeting and discuss how to prioritise our spending. Through this unit of learning, children will also have the opportunity to discuss how our earning and spending can contribute to society through the payment of tax and by making ethical choices.