Spring 2 2024
This term we will continue reading the exciting adventures of The Tear Thief, a mysterious character who like to collect tears at night.
We will learn about nocturnal animals and research our own information.
We will plan and write our own non-chronological reports about nocturnal animals.
We will use Purple Mash to plan , design and create our own information page about these animals too.
We will read a range of poems and write our own versions.
This term we will be focusing on the following areas:
Our x2,3,5 and 10 multiplication facts and related division facts.
- We will build upon our knowledge of addition, subtraction , multiplication and division.
- We will use a range of practical equipment, drawings and written methods.
- We will investigate solving problems using all 4 operations .
- We will develop the use of mathematical language when talking about our learning and explain how we found our answers.
- We will look at patterns in numbers e.g If I know that 3 + 7 = 10 I know that 30 + 70 =100.
- We will find fractions of numbers and shapes including half, thirds, quarters, three quarters ( and recap half being the same as two quarters).
- We will continue to read scales for mass, capacity, length and capacity and compare measure using more than , less than and equals signs ( >,< and =).
- We will learn to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes ( analogue clock only) and solve problems using time.
Our Science for this term includes Scientists and Inventors ( linked with British Science Week).
We will learn about the work of famous scientists and inventors from the past, researching who they were and what they did to change our world.
We will also be learning about animals and their habitats.
We will learn about how to group things that are alive, dead and never alive.
We will learn about life processes ( movement, respiration, sensitivity, growth, reproduction, excretion and nutrition).
We will look at different habitats and identify the plants and animals that will be found in these environments. We will learn about how plants and animals adapt to live and survive in different conditions.
Our theme for this term is called What a Wonderful World. We will use atlases to find the names of all seven continents of the world and be able to label and locate them on world maps. We will learn to name the main seas and oceans too.
We will research and compare hot and cold places around the world. We will find out about the landscape, environments and identify key features using aerial views.
Design Technology.
DT this term is called Dips and Dippers. We will be tasting and evaluating a range of different dips and dippers and learning about where in the world the recipes and ingredients come from. We will learn about the importance of a healthy and balanced diet and be able to name the different food groups.
We will select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks (for example, cutting) and create a class list of safety rules.
Finally we will design, create, make and eat a dip of our own design.
Our RE for this term is Gospel which means good news. We will learn about how Jesus brought good news to all of his people.
We will also learn about Salvation and answer the question ,why does Easter matter to Christians?
P.E will be taught by Mrs. Barker ( Monday ) and Mrs. Brooks ( Tuesday)
This term P.E will focus on co-ordination, throwing and catching.
We will also continue with our work on creating and performing sequences in gymnastics.
This term our computing is Creating Pictures.
- We will describe the main features of impressionist art.
- We will explain what pointillism is.
- We will describe the main features of Piet Mondrian’s work.
- We will use 2Paint a Picture to create art based upon this style.
- We will describe the main features of art that uses repeating patterns.
- We will use 2Paint a Picture to create art by repeating patterns in a variety of ways.
- We will combine more than one effect in 2Paint a Picture to enhance patterns
- We will describe surrealist art.
- We will use the eCollage function in 2Paint a Picture to create surrealist art using drawing and clipart.
Our music this term is based upon a fun, reggae song called Zootime. We will continue to use Charanga to listen to a range of different reggae songs , appraise and compose our own music using Purple Mash, Charanga and musical instruments.
We will learn the words to the song Zootime and play the glockenspiels in accompaniment.
We will enjoy using the rhythm games and develop our use of musical vocabulary.
Our PSHE is called Digital Wellbeing and is all about being safe online.
We will focus on:
- how the internet and digital devices can be used safely to find things out and to communicate with others L8. about the role of the internet in everyday life
- rules and age restrictions that keep us safe
- basic rules to keep safe online, including what is meant by personal information and what should be kept private; the importance of telling a trusted adult if they come across something that scares them
- that sometimes people may behave differently online, including by pretending to be someone they are not
- how to respond safely to adults they don’t know
- that not all information seen online is true
This term we will be learning some simple Italian words and phrases.
We will focus on:
- counting to 10
- saying hello and goodbye
- saying good morning and good afternoon ( to answer the register)
- colour words
- names of foods and places