Autumn 1 2024
This term we are reading the exciting adventure of George and the dragons in The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward.
The book tells the story of a young boy called George who meets a group of troublesome dragons. After causing lots of problems ( and George getting the blame) he decides to build an amazing flying dragon machine to lead the dragons back home.
All of our writing will be based upon this text including:
- designing a wanted poster for the dragons
- a description of the dragon machine
- a letter to George from the dragons
- creating a story map
- a retelling of the story based upon the story
We will learn about How to Trap a Dragon and write our own set of instructions.
We will also read dragon poems and write a poem of our own.
This term we will be covering a range of skills in our maths lessons including:
Place Value:
- reading and writing numbers to 100
- recognising the value of each digit in a 2-digit number
- partitioning numbers into tens and ones and then into different ways e.g. 32 = 30 + 2, 20+ 12, 10 + 22)
- counting on and back in jumps of 2,3,5 and 10 from zero
- counting on and back in jumps of 10 from any number
- relating our jumps of 2,3,5 and 10 to multiplication
- writing or drawing numbers in different ways e.g. numerals, words, Base 10 Addition and subtraction:
- adding and subtracting ones to 2-digit numbers
- adding and subtracting ten to 2-digit numbers
- adding where we cross over 10 e.g. 35 + 7= 42 Useful Websites.
Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (
Place Value Basketball - Dienes Game for 5 to 8 Year Olds (
Mental Maths Train - A Four Operations Game (
Times Tables. Please remember to use Numbots , Topmarks Hit the Button or even Purple Mash to practise your times tables with a focus on X2 ,3, X5 and X10 .
This term we will be learning about The Great Fire of London.
- We will find out about the life of Samuel Pepys and how his diary helped us to learn so much about London in 1666.
- we will write our own diary entry using a feather quill just like Pepys!
- we will learn about what London was like in 1666 and compare to present day
- we will research the jobs that people did in 1666 and decide which job we would like to do and which job we would not like to do
- we will learn about and sequence the events of the fire in chronological order
- we will learn about what happened to London after the fire
- we will discover why the fire spread so quickly
Science .
Our Science Topic is Uses of Everyday Materials.
During this topic we will:
- investigate different materials and their properties
- identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials , including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick rock, paper and cardboard for everyday uses
- find out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching
- we will plan, carry out and evaluate our own investigations using different materials
Art and Design / Design Technology.
In our Design Technology topic we will be making our own Moving Pictures.
We will learn about different mechanisms and how to make them.
We will make a picture with:
- a sliding mechanism ( based on The Gingerbread Man)
- a lever and pivot ( a character of our own design using split pins to move their arms and legs)
- a wheel mechanism ( where we change the expressions on the face of a character and then design and create our own idea)
- a picture based on The Great Fire of London using their own ideas and choice of moving parts and mechanisms
We will learn how to count to 10 in German, how to say hello and goodbye and also a simple German song.
In our R.E we will be learning about Symbols of Faith and signs of belonging and why they are important.
We will focus on:
- identifying symbols and signs around us
- identifying some religious symbols, gestures and actions for different Christian celebrations
- knowing some of the 'I am sayings of Jesus' and why he chose them for himself
- recognising the different symbols for each religion
- identifying symbols and describe their meanings from religious stories
- identifying artifacts belonging to different religions
- identifying and describing the artefacts found in a church
- identifying the meaning of the symbols linked to water
- knowing the different Christmas symbols
Our Music this term is based around the song Hands, Feet , Heart by Joanna Mangona . We will be using and developing our key musical skills of listening and appraising, performing, composing and improvising.
In our Computing this term we will learn about how to stay safe online.
We will:
- learn how to log on and find activities on our Purple Mash
- learn to save, open , edit and improve our learning
- learn about digital footprints and design our own keeping safe online poster
- learn how to do effective safe searches and research our own questions
This term our PSHE is VIPs ( Very Important People) . We will focus on relationships..
We will identify who our VIPs are within families and friends and discuss how important kindness and respect are within these relationships.
We will learn about different ways of dealing with falling out with people and how to resolve conflicts. We will complete challenges that involve team work and learn ways in which we can compromise and work together.