Design a Easter Egg Competition
21st March 2022
Dear Parents, Carers and Havergal Pupils
The Friends of Havergal Primary are excited to invite all pupils to participate in the 2022 Easter Creative art competition.
We are asking the children to get imaginative and creative, by decorating a hard boiled egg for our Easter competition.
All designs MUST be handed in to school on Wednesday morning the 6th of April 2022,
attached with a completed tag stating their name, class and includes the £1.00 entry fee.
The winners will be chosen by an impartial judge and announced on Friday the 8th of April during our special Easter assembly in school.
There will be a winner in each year group and 2 overall winners, one in each key stage.
The friends would like to wish all children good luck and are looking forward to see everyone's Easter art designs.
All entry funding raised are directly invested towards the schools’ resources and other much needed equipment or fun activities, benefiting all children.